


Cigar Guide


What Glue is used in the Corncobs? Is it harmful?
No, absolutely not. It's entirely natural glue. The Missouri Meerscahum Company told us: "The glue is a white, food grade glue similar to Elmer’s glue.  It is water based and completely non-toxic.  Heck, I think I ate Elmer’s glue when I was a kid."

So, please don't be afraid. Corncobs always were and will be fully natural and disposable products just like in the old days.

Why does the stem cross the bottom of tobacco chamber on some Corncob pipes?

This is a feature of the Missouri meerschaum Co. products. A corncob pipe without wood on the bottom would break very soon. A cob of corn has no solid shape in cross section. There sits only corn starch. This would become damp by condensate or burn through quickly. Depending on the corncob model, a wooden plug is therefore installed on our corncobs. Alternatively or additionally (depending on the shape), the stem is pulled into the chamber. Another advantage: The opening of the stem is fairly vertical and at the lowest point of the chamber. A very positive feature that many Cob smokers appreciate is the positive result and side effect: The draft enters the chamber at the lowest point of the tobacco load. The stem in the chamber is intentionally built in and an important feature that distuingishes these pipes from other brands. Please note: These pipes have been made since the 1860s many hundred millions of times. Corncobs are iconic US products and iconic pipes with a rustic appearance and outstanding smoke properties. Please trust in this, if a corncobs for you at first may also appear unfamiliar and as a new kind of smoke pipe.

Colour changes in Corncob pipes

Corncob pipes turn out differently depending on their age. This concerns both the age of the corncob itself and the age of service. In addition, there may be slight colour differences in the OBerface sealing.

In spring, for example, the fairly fresh maize harvest from last year is processed. Therefore, the pipes produced then tend to be lighter than later in the year.
Important: The pipe darkens through use. You can speed this up by applying an odourless grease or hand cream. The photo shows a pipe of average age as it looks after a few weeks.


Corncob pipes guarantee a particularly neutral flavour experience. Because they are made from a real corncob, the first fillings may taste unusual compared to a normal briar pipe. The flavour is described as somewhat woody or sharp, depending on the individual taste sensation. This is perfectly normal. As soon as the inside of the pipe is charred, the flavour will no longer be detectable. (A pungent flavour can also be detected in briar pipes, depending on the smoking paste and personal perception).